Mint, Bergamot & Patchouli

Mint, Bergamot & Patchouli

Mint, Bergamot & Patchouli

Following on from the success of Fresh Lemongrass, I was asked to create a deodorant for partners and sons, that whilst they may like Lemongrass, might prefer a slightly more masculine scent.

So I Iovingly refer to this one as 'THE MANLY ONE' :-D

Like Fresh Lemongrass, this one smells amazing (thankyou G for the sniff research!) , is nourishing, toxin free and just really works!

The compostable packaging is also super awesome, and am so proud of this. Just take off the 2 stickers and pop the container on your compost heap or recycling bin - ta dah!

This Mint, Bergamot & Patchouli deodorant is super fresh with the zingy mint with with masculine undertones from the Patchouli & Bergamot. The stick glides on like velvet leaving no residue or white marks. The Organic Coconut oil and Shea butter nourish your under arms whilst the Castor oil nourishes your lymph glands and inside workings. The Organic Bicarb of soda and Organic Corn flour provides the deodorising and cleanliness that keeps you fresh all day.

Use daily to keep stink free and pop some goodness back onto and into your skin :)


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