A personal note from me

A personal note from me

I just wanted to say a big thankyou to customers, and non customers, new and old - it means so much.

Some of you know me and some don't, so let me tell you a little. I'm Amy and I live on The Isle of Wight, UK with my 13 year old son. I'm 48, work in education and trained in Hypnotherapy 3 years ago because you know the saying 'Be the change you want to see in the world' well, that was me. We have a great healing upon us, and I wanted to be boots on the ground.

I chose Hypnotherapy because it is a stand alone healing modality in that it connects directly with your subconscious mind. This is the part of you that knows everything about you and knows what you need to heal. It's also the place where root of trauma resides, and with it's permission (it only wants to help and keep you safe) these roots can be safely reframed and taken out, never to be felt in the same way again. Change happens at an incredibly deep level.

Your subconscious is also all you are, ever have been and ever will be, so access into Past lives, your Higher Self and soul family are freely accessible when in this receptive Theta brain wave state - think meditation.

You are always in control, super alert yet totally relaxed and only make the changes your subconscious accepts. If you have anxiety or trauma, an event (small or large) will have happened which has been buried and programmes created to keep you safe, not realising you do not need these anymore. These programmes need a new job, and that's what Healing your Inner Child does. If you have issues around a person, Chair Therapy is wonderful, magical modality where again, real change happens.

We are in a space where looking inwards and doing the shadow work releases these old programmes, allowing you to invite in more light and hold higher vibration. The higher we all are, the quicker we create the most beautiful earth.

If you think I can help, do get in touch.

Sessions can be done in person or over Zoom - I have been trained and it works just as effectively

In life, everything needs to be balanced so an energetic exchange needs to happen, but this can be discussed. I never want finances to be a barrier.

We have been told for so long to seek outside of ourselves for validation and for answers when in truth, everything you need is right inside of YOU. Sometimes we just need a guide to help show us the way.

Let's be the change we want to see in ourselves and in the world

With so much love, gratitude and light, Amy xx

Please feel free to get in touch:

Whether you have questions about anything you have read, you would like to schedule a session or purchase some of my homemade, natural products or Crystals, feel free to get in touch: