This is such a beautiful & reassuring video. He dies for a short time, and comes back to share with us that we have it wrong - there is nothing to fear. That we need to ensure we raise our vibration - after all, that is why we are here. To learn. To grow. To heal. We are born into this Earth reality a beautiful shiny bright soul, fresh from the place of love he discusses. Unfortunately, sometimes life, other people, expectations and life experiences can darken that shine, can lower our vibration. Sometimes we just need to clear out some of this outdated trauma, subconscious programming to make room for more light. Many therapies available from Peaceful Reconnections can help you do this:
#healthechild - to repair trauma from childhood
#chairtherapy - to revisit and repair traumatic relationships
#connecttoyourhigherself - open that connection and feel the love
Sending you all much love and light,
Amy x
Whether you have questions about anything you have read, you would like to schedule a session or purchase some of my homemade, natural products or Crystals, feel free to get in touch: