Posted 07.04.24
Explained in the most brilliant way by Marcin Tokarski -
"Vibration in quantum physics signifies that everything is energy. We, as living beings, exist at certain frequencies.
Each vibration corresponds to an emotion, and there are only two types of vibrations: high vibrational and low vibrational.
Thoughts: Every thought emits a frequency into the universe, and that frequency returns to its source. So, if you harbor negative thoughts, resentment, sadness, anger, or fear, all of it comes back to you. This is why it’s crucial to care about the quality of your thoughts and learn to control them.
Company: The people around you directly influence your vibrational frequency. Surrounding yourself with happy, positive, and determined individuals aligns you with those vibrations. Conversely, if you’re surrounded by people who complain, gossip, etc., be cautious! They can lower your frequency and hinder you from benefiting from the law of attraction.
Music: Music holds immense power. If you listen to music that speaks of death, betrayal, sadness, abandonment, etc., it affects how you feel. Pay attention to the lyrics of the music you consume; it significantly impacts your vibrational frequency.
What You Look At: When you watch programs related to misfortune, death, betrayal, etc., your brain accepts them as reality and releases negative chemicals into your body, affecting your vibrational frequency. Focus on things that make you feel good and help you resonate at higher frequencies.
Atmosphere: Whether at home or work, spending time in cluttered or dirty environments also affects your vibrational frequency. Change that and show the universe that you’re open to receiving much more.
Word: When you speak negatively about things or people, it affects your vibrational frequency. To maintain a high frequency, it’s essential to eliminate the habit of complaining and speaking ill of others. So, avoid that.
Gratitude: positively impacts your vibrational frequency. It’s a habit you should integrate into your life now. Be grateful for everything—the good and the bad. Appreciate all the experiences you encounter. Gratitude opens doors for more good things to come into your life. Be grateful, and remember, gratitude opens doors, while mere thanks closes them… "
With deepest gratitude Marcin, Amy x
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