Welcome to the 10:10 Energy Gateway

Welcome to the 10:10 Energy Gateway

Posted 10.10.2023

Dear friends, the 10:10 energy waves are already flowing in. This type of energetic vibration takes place on the Gregorian calendar date of Tuesday October 10,

When our consciousness resonates with this double 10 10 energy, we can tap into the energetic vibrations held by the geometry of this number. 1010 can act as an energetic catalyzer, or alchemical fire, to trigger inner change.

This specific 10:10 energy flow is associated with regaining our independence and sovereignty, creating an opening for infinite potential. The number 10 represents the energy of self-determination in all its aspects.

The number 10 energy holds the idea of starting anew in any area of your life, whether is work related, relationships (with others or with your self), your spiritual path, or moving to a new location. As we connect with the 10/10 gateway energy, we can tap into an energy of support and leadership, in which new ideas can catapult us into new higher timelines. Number 10 is formed by a pillar and a circle. It is both masculine and feminine, or contains within the Father/Mother principles. It means wholeness. And because of this attribute, it brings with it the energy of new creations and the responsibilities we have as humans to use this power for the greatest good.

The 10:10 gateway will prime our energetic fields before the solar eclipse of Saturday October 14. Big changes are already taking place within us, I’m sure many of you can sense the energetic tension in the air. Please stay centered within your heart, take frequent breaks, and stay hydrated. Our bodies are getting ready for a very important week energetically speaking.

Have a productive and peaceful 10:10 gateway, and may this week mark the beginning of wonderful new life chapters in your earthly soul’s journey. Much love


Diego E. Berman 2023 Ⓒ


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