Adults, Children & Teens

Adults, Children & Teens

"The world often teaches us to look outside of ourselves for validation and for beauty, when in truth, everything you need is right inside of YOU"

Hello and welcome to the online home of Peaceful Reconnections - a Healing Hypnotherapy & Natural Product practise based on the Isle of Wight in the UK. My name is Amy and I'm very happy that you were drawn here.

The world often teaches us to look outside of ourselves for validation and for beauty, when in truth, everything you need is right inside of YOU. Yet over time we have been encouraged to disconnect, to engage with outside stimuli such as phones, televisions, celebrities, gurus, masters, when in fact everything you need to know is right inside of you.

Everything you are, ever have been and ever will be is right within you and it is the mission of Peaceful Reconnections to connect and reconnect you into all that you are.

Whether you are an adult, teenager or child, sometimes big emotions, anxiety and trauma can overwhelm us & often we don’t know where these come from “I feel so sad, but just don’t know why”. Let me help reconnect you within to gain relief and to help identify where it started & pull that pesky root out! An easy process with profound results.

Or can explore your previous / parallel lives (which often show karmic ties to this lifetime) through Past Life Regression; meet up with your Soul Family (living & passed) in the ‘Bardot state’ or connect into your Higher Self asking advice on important life questions – always fun & VERY interesting!

Or perhaps you, or someone you know, just needs time out and a session of wonderful healing.

Accessing the Theta brainwave state is 10 times more healing than sleep, so let me guide you into a blissful state and treat yourself. Self-love is vital to functioning at our best – we can’t give from an empty cup.

Sessions are available in Ryde, in nature (if the weather is kind!), at your home or on Zoom - whichever is most convenient and comfiest for you.

If you have a child or a teen that you think would benefit – do get in touch. Children & teens respond so well to Hypnotherapy, and it's wonderful to reframe any programming before it has time to take root.

Next: My Peaceful intentions 


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