The Control Room / Engine Room

The Control Room / Engine Room

The Control Room / Engine Room

The Engine Room is a beautiful modality for providing immediate relief from big emotions such as sadness, anxiety, self worth, loneliness, sensitivity, pressure, tension; to name just a few. 

This beautiful technique can also be used in increasing emotions such as happiness, tolerance, self love and confidence.

This session has been structured to yield immediate relief, which then provides the longer term space to explore the underlying reasons for that big emotion.

The Engine Room is also a beautiful session to have as our first session due to it's easy nature, immediate results and because it introduces Hypnotherapy so beautifully - allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the experience, getting to know how it looks, feels and sounds like, before you embark on deeper work such a Heal the Child, Past Life Regression or Meeting your Higher Self.

Whether you're a child struggling with overwhelming feelings or an adult seeking emotional balance, this session is tailored to meet your specific needs.

It is also an incredibly empowering session as you will also learn self hypnosis tools to enable you come back to this safe space anytime you wish, either to relax in your Chill out Room or to pop back in and make some changes in the Engine Room itself.

If you feel this could be of interest, do get in touch and I can talk you through things.

Sessions are based on an energy exchange of £45* for those who can afford. For those who can't, please contact me, I never want finances to be a barrier. Let's talk about what would work for you.

Trade for services welcome

A Pay it Forward* fund is also active within Peaceful Reconnections.

* £5 from every session is paid into a Pay it Forward fund. So by having a session, you are also helping others access help & support they may need on their journey - what a beautiful reconnection with each other x

Please feel free to get in touch:

Whether you have questions about anything you have read, you would like to schedule a session or purchase some of my homemade, natural products or Crystals, feel free to get in touch:  


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